Cat Care Advice: Essential Tips and Guidance

Cat Care Advice: Essential Tips and Guidance

17 May 2022

Whether you have indoor or outdoor cats, providing the right amount of care is crucial. Cats are known for their independence and their natural inclination to live on their own terms. Here at Kittilitt, we offer expert cat advice to help you ensure your feline friend is healthy, happy, and well taken care of.

Cats require limited attention compared to other pets, but they need certain essentials to thrive. Ensuring their coat is sleek and clean, their claws are sharp and neat, and their eyes and ears are clear helps keep them in top condition. Cat care tips also include up-to-date vaccinations to protect against feline influenza, maintaining your cat’s health from various common ailments.

Grooming: A Key Component of Cat Care

A sleek and glossy coat is an excellent reflection of your cat’s health and general well-being and is the essence of routine cat care. Taught by their mothers, most cats do an expert job of keeping themselves clean but as responsible owners, we can help when necessary. One of the reasons we love cats as pets is that they usually keep themselves fastidiously clean. Only long-haired breeds need more assistance from us to groom their coats. A well-groomed coat is a useful indication of a cat’s good health – deterioration in normal self-grooming and toilet behaviour often occurs as a result of illness.

Assisting with natural grooming can become an enjoyable playtime – especially if you start when your cat is young – and it is great training for future handling. The grooming routine should include careful inspection of the skin as well as the coat. Look out for signs of parasites – fleas, lice and ringworm. This is especially important if your cat has been in contact with others at a cattery or a show. A sure way to find fleas is to comb through the coat from the ears to the tail with a fine-tooth metal comb – you will need to move quickly though – as fleas are remarkably agile!
A rubber brush is ideal for removing unwanted dead hair from short-haired cats and a natural bristle brush prevents hair breakage and static.

Eyes, Ears and Mouth Care

Healthy cats should have bright and clear eyes. Any sign of discharge could indicate illness and should prompt a visit to the vet. White cats and Persians may show tear-staining around the eyes – this is quite normal and it can be removed with gentle warm bathing.

It is advisable to clean the outer part of the ears with swabs as debris easily collects in them. You can use a bright light to examine the ear canal but it is not advisable to attempt to clean them yourselves as it can be dangerous for the cat. Honey-coloured wax is normal, but dark, offensive-smelling wax may be the first sign of ear mites which requires immediate vet attention.

It is important to examine the cat’s gums and teeth – it is often a part of cat care that owners forget. It is very important to ensure that teeth are clean and gums are free of any soreness. Cats of any age can develop a layer of tartar on the teeth which can become bad enough to cause a lack of appetite. If you think this is a problem with your cat then you should consult your vet.

Claw Care

All cats instinctively need to maintain their claws, and providing a scratching post can prevent them from damaging furniture. For indoor cats, keeping them entertained and active is essential to prevent boredom and manage weight. Creative play setups like cardboard box tunnels or climbing trees can provide great exercise and fun.

Living Indoors vs. Outdoors

The principles of how to care for a cat remain consistent whether your pet stays inside or ventures outdoors. Indoor cats require careful attention to their environment to ensure it meets all their needs, including a well-maintained litter tray, regular meals, and sufficient playtime. These elements contribute to a fulfilling life for your cat, ensuring they stay content and healthy.

At Kittilitt, we are committed to sustainability and the well-being of all cats. Our practices, from sourcing raw materials to our final products, reflect our dedication to providing you and your pet with the best possible cat care solutions. Remember, proper care and attention to your cat’s needs can greatly enhance their quality of life and longevity.

Provided the cat is cared for properly and has plenty of companionships, it will be just as contented as its free-roaming counterpart – and may have a longer, healthier life!